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Cat on a Leash: A Complete Guide to Harness Training Your Cat

Cat on a Leash: A Complete Guide to Harness Training Your Cat

Did you know you can go for walks with your cat? That's right! You can harness-train your cat over time, opening up a new world for your feline friend as well as for yourself. The only issue is that learning to harness-train your cat is not always straightforward and easy. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide on how to harness train your cat, complete with our expert tips and advice.  

We'll go over everything from why harnessing your cat is a good idea to providing a step-by-step tutorial on how to put on a cat harness and weighing the pros and cons of using cat harnesses in general. As a bonus, we’ll also show you The Furry Fox Harness, a high-quality accessory that can make your cat's outdoor adventures more enjoyable and safer. 

Why You Should Harness Train Your Cat? 

When it comes to our feline companions, many of us envision them as independent creatures that thrive indoors and probably do not even have the interest or desire to venture outside. However, there are several compelling reasons why you should consider harness training your cat, even if they typically stay indoors: 

Long Car Trips 

While a cat carrier is a conventional choice for such journeys, some cats find confinement in a carrier distressing. The use of a cat harness can provide a welcome alternative. During rest stops or breaks, you can secure your cat with a harness and leash, allowing them to stretch their legs safely. This can also provide a much-needed potty break for your pet during your venture on the road. 

Getting Fresh Air in Safety 

We get it. Many cat owners just do not want to risk anything happening to their precious babies, meaning that letting them out of the house on their own is an absolute no-no. Your cat, on the other hand, still craves fresh air and new experiences. In this case, a cat harness may be useful. It allows you to safely take your indoor cat outside, where they can explore, smell the plants, and enjoy a change of scenery without the risks associated with free roaming. 


While cats are not typically associated with leash walks like dogs, some felines genuinely enjoy and look forward to the experience. Harness training your cat opens up the possibility of enjoying outdoor adventures together. It provides a safe and effective way to guide your cat without the risk of them slipping out of a collar. 

cat and harness

Step by Step: How to Put on a Cat Harness 

Now that you understand the importance of harnessing your cat, let's explore the steps to put on a cat harness effectively because, let’s face it: this isn’t always easy: 

  1. Choose the Right Harness: Make sure that your cat is wearing a comfortable and appropriate-sized harness. This ensures that your feline friend is safe but also comfortable and has freedom of movement. 
  1. Introduce the Harness: Before putting the harness on your cat, let them sniff and examine it. This helps them become familiar with the new accessory. 
  1. Secure the Harness: Once your cat is comfortable with the harness's presence, fasten it snugly but not too tight. Ensure that you can slip two fingers between the harness and your cat's skin. 
  1. Short Walks Indoors: Begin with short indoor walks to acclimatize your cat to the harness and leash. Reward them with treats and affection during these practice sessions. 
  1. Outdoor Adventure: When your cat is comfortable walking indoors, take them outside. Choose a quiet, safe area for your first outdoor excursion, and supervise them closely. 

The most important tip to remember is to be patient and consistent with your training. Some cats may take longer to adjust than others, so go at your cat's pace, and you are more likely to succeed. 

Pros and Cons of Cat Harnesses 

Harness training offers numerous benefits, but it's essential to weigh the pros and cons before beginning harness and leash training with your cat: 


  • Safety during outdoor adventures. 
  • Mental and physical stimulation. 
  • Bonding and quality time with your cat. 
  • Opportunity for exercise and exploration. 
  • Control in unfamiliar environments. 


  • Some cats may resist or take time to adjust. 
  • Not suitable for all cats; some may find it too stressful. 
  • Initial training requires patience and dedication. 

The Furry Fox Harness 

When it comes to cat harnesses, The Furry Fox Harness stands out as a reliable choice. Their harnesses are designed with the comfort and safety of your feline friend in mind. The adjustable straps ensure a secure fit, and the range of stylish designs allows your cat to strut their stuff in style. 

You and your cat can have a much more exciting and fulfilling life if you take the time to train them to wear a harness. Keep in mind that every cat is an individual, and you may need to be patient throughout the process. By following the steps in this guide and considering the pros and cons, you can make an informed decision about harness training your cat. 

Don't forget to explore The Furry Fox for high-quality cat accessories that will make your outdoor adventures safe and enjoyable. With dedication and love, you and your cat can embark on exciting journeys together, leash in hand, and create lasting memories. 

Harness fried eggs The Furry Fox

FAQ Section 

How Long Does It Take for a Cat to Get Used to a Harness? 

It takes different cats different amounts of time to adjust to wearing a harness. Some people may pick it up quickly, while others may need several weeks of slow but steady instruction. The secret to achievement is patience and perseverance. 

What to Do If Your Cat Does Not Respond Well to the Harness? 

Don't push your cat if it's showing signs of resistance to the harness. Make sure the harness fits well and is comfortable, then reintroduce it slowly while rewarding the dog with treats. 

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